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Avatar Creator#

The Avatar Creator is a SDK component that lets the user build their own personalized Avatar.

Screenshot Screenshot

The Avatar Creator is a Unity plugin made available through an Android Library and an iOS Library.


To make the Avatar Creator easier to integrate in your Android App we created a library:


To integrate the Avatar Creator library follow these steps:

  1. Open build.gradle (project) file and add to allprojects/repositories:
    maven {
               url ''
               credentials { username authToken }
  2. Open gradle.proprties and add:
    The authToken will be provided when applying for a Partner Account.
  3. Open build.gradle (Module: app) file. Add to dependencies:
    implementation 'com.github.geniesinc:android-composer-library:0.0.11'
  4. Open strings.xml and add: Avatar Creator

  5. The Avatar Creator needs to be loaded in a separate activity with a dedicated process attached. The Avatar Creator Unity plugin kills the current process when it unloads.

  6. In the activity, to add the Avatar Creator view:

      val composerCallback = object: GeniesComposerLoader.ComposerCallback {
          override fun onComposerLoaded() {
              Log.d(TAG, "Composer loaded")
              pb_loading.visibility = View.GONE
          override fun onComposerUnloaded() {
              Log.d(TAG, "Composer unloaded")
       parentView = composer_container,
       lifecycleOwner = this,
       credentialsJson = testCredentials,
       composerCallback = composerCallback

The credentialsJson should be a JSON String containting:


    userId: {{AVATAR_USER_ID}},
    apiKey: {{PARTNER_API_KEY}}


When loading the Avatar Creator you can supply a GeniesComposerLoader.ComposerCallback.

onComposerLoaded() getts called when the Avatar Creator finishes loading the user Avatar and is ready to be visible on screen.

onComposerUnloaded() getts called when a user action (SAVE, QUIT) triggers the closing of the Avatar Creator.



You can install the iOS Genies Avatar library via Cocoapods:

  1. Add pod "GeniesAvatarKit", git: "" (proper github credentials are required)

  2. Disable Bitcode in XCode project settings - In XCode go to your project settings > Build Settings > Make sure All is selected and search for bitcode - Set it to Enabled = No


  1. In AppDelegate add the following:
import Foundation
import UIKit
import GeniesAvatarKit

// Required
import MachO

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]?) -> Bool {
        window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

        // Add the following:
        let machineHeader = UnsafeMutablePointer<mach_header_64>.allocate(capacity: 1)
        machineHeader.pointee = _mh_execute_header
        UnityLoader.machineHeader = machineHeader

        window?.rootViewController = StartViewController()
        return true



Loading the composer is then done anywhere in the app by using UnityLoader.loadComposerWithCredentials:

func loadUserInUnity(_ user: AvatarAPIClient.User) {
    guard let refreshToken = AvatarAppState.shared.credentials?.refreshToken else {
        print("Error: The refresh token does not exist")

    let credentials = AvatarComposerCredentials(userId: user.userId,
                                                refreshToken: refreshToken,
                                                apiKey: AvatarAppState.shared.client.apiConfig.apiKey)

    guard let jsonCredentialsString = credentials.jsonString else {
        print("Error: Cannot create composer credentials JSON")

    UnityLoader.loadComposerWithUserCredentials(jsonCredentialsString) {

You can read more about the AvatarAppState object here


Unloading the composer is done via UnityLoader.hideUnity()